aspenmayer 4 days ago

Instead of/in addition to cleaning dead links, this would benefit from integrated link archival via third parties or a first party integration, self-hosted solution, and/or bring-your-own API key to third party archives like Wayback Machine,, or others.

  • chshux 3 days ago

    ohhh gotcha, didn't even think about this. will look into it and see how we could implement something like this. thanks!

franze 4 days ago

Is there a single example on how it will look like somwhere? I dont see any? (Mobile Browser)

saaaaaam 3 days ago

Love this! A few comments:

1. When I delete a link from one of my snacks it opens a new tab with a 404. Is that expected? 2. There seems to be no persistent identifier for a snack - if I change the title, the URL changes and then the previous URL is dead. While it's nice to have a human readable URL is that actually necessary, or could you use a string? Maybe it's a SEO thing though, in which case maybe the title and the URL should be uncoupled so that changing the title doesn't break the link to the snack. 3. It would be nice to be able to add an image to the snack header, as well as the emoji. Maybe using unsplash or something. And maybe some colour styling.

mmasu 4 days ago

i cannot go past the signup page, however it seems to be the same idea behind the now defunct delicious:

  • chshux 3 days ago

    hey! thanks for trying, you should be able to enter your email and continue through the flow. if you wouldn't mind trying again?

  • alexchantavy 4 days ago

    yeahh this was my first thought. i miss, the tagging was so good and helped me keep things organized and discover high quality content

    • gala8y 4 days ago

      Loved This is a pet peeve of mine, that proper tagging (with AND & filtering properly implemented) is rare in software. Tagging peaked with

grvdrm 3 days ago

Love how dead simple and to the point this is. Great job. Put some stuff about it in my newsletter so you might see some traffic from a newsletter called The Teardown (on Substack)

kevin_thibedeau 4 days ago

Needs a way for listed sites to display a link ring component to counteract the loss of discoverability in modern search.

  • abraxas 4 days ago

    Oh, we're bringing back webrings now? That's one piece of internet lore I forgot about!

  • chshux 3 days ago

    haven't heard of link rings before, will look into it

hi_hi 4 days ago

I've had a similar idea kicking around for some time now. This might be it.

One of the core concepts I wanted was to see how my list E.g. "Top 10 Best burger joints in <city>" or "Top 5 white wines for a Summers evening" compared to others similar lists. I've never been able to land on how to best implement something like this, without requiring some kind of strict tagging by the user to enable like for like comparisons and accurate rankings.

I wanted to call it "Social List" / "Socialist" :-)

  • chshux 3 days ago

    lovely idea! the core of Snack is that it is not a "social" platform persay, but will at some point have the ability to see top lists.

    the idea is that curators known for their domain expertise, e.g. MKBHD for tech products as a list, would be more popular/shared than others.

  • jayunit 4 days ago

    Language models or embedding distance might work quite well. Cool idea! :)

  • ms7892 3 days ago

    Lovely idea!

jcsnv 4 days ago

I'd recommend adding a sample list to the home page - "Demo"!

  • chshux 3 days ago

    good idea -- will add to the homepage!

Atalocke 4 days ago

Trying to sign up, if you click off the modal the whole page goes white except for the logo in the navbar, but it won't take you anywhere.

  • chshux 3 days ago

    noted, thank you!

Atalocke 4 days ago

On the signup page, if you click off the modal, it'll render a blank white page with just the logo that doesn't go anywhere.

  • chshux 3 days ago

    got it, thanks for the feedback! will fix

MattRix 4 days ago

Starting the page with the sign up button before telling me what the page is seems like a mistake. I almost closed the page at first (it’s not even obvious that you can scroll, it looks like a full page popup).

You should show example screenshots of actual useful lists people could share. The site is currently too focused on “what” you can do (features and capabilities), and not enough focused on “why” (practical real world use cases).

  • chshux 3 days ago

    this is great feedback, thanks for trying it out!

    and yes, will work on adding more use cases to the home page

ellis0n 4 days ago

Amazing tool! but I prefer LiveComment

  • chshux 3 days ago

    thanks! thoughts on what you like about LiveComment?

wenbin 4 days ago

This is awesome! Is there an example list from

People love building lists on the internet.

Browser bookmarks are lists.

Podcasts/RSS feeds are lists.

YouTube has Watch Later / playlists.

Newsfeeds are lists.

Pinterest has a lot of lists of images.

thebird 4 days ago

You missed a golden opportunity to call it Linked List!

  • chshux 3 days ago

    nice! the idea behind "Snack" is that they are internet shareables. shorter domain is my preference as well.