sneed_chucker 3 days ago

Creating DSLs within C has a long tradition.

Stephen Bourne wanted to write his shell in ALGOL so badly that he relentlessly beat C with its own preprocessor until it began to resemble his preferred language.

codeflo 3 days ago

Can someone clarify whether this is intended as a joke or whether the author is actually confused? I mean, nothing about this makes sense: it's not "scripting"; it claims to introduce "strong typing" while it does nothing about typing; it introduces all kinds of operator aliases "modeled after Lua and Lisp" that are present in neither of these languages. But it's not an obvious parody either, so I'm genuinely not sure.

  • sandos 3 days ago

    I mean he has to be serious, right: "Deprecate Lua, Python, JavaScript, Ruby and a dozen other languages, because Pretty C is the ultimate scripting language, but lightning-fast and strongly typed!!"

    • aartaka 3 days ago

      Author here. I don't see any problem with this

      • byroot 3 days ago

        Well, as a starter C is rarely considered as "strongly typed". Statically typed yes, but strongly typed not so much.

        • aartaka 3 days ago

          With C23 (nullptr, auto typing, typeof) and C11 (generics) it got more guarantees and type-related primitives. You can still do void*, but you are strongly discouraged from it.

          • byroot 3 days ago

                #include "pretty.h"
                void print_int(int value){
                int main (int argc, string argv[])
                    long value = 23849234723748234;
            How is this strongly typed?

                $ cc test.c -o test && ./test
            And to be clear, weak vs strong isn't a boolean property but a spectrum, but would be hard to argue with a straight face than C is a strongly typed language.
            • brabel 3 days ago

              C is likely the only example of a programming language that is clearly statically typed while at the same time being weakly typed. For a reason: as your example shows, it's a really bad idea (but understandable for a language from the 60's).

              • layer8 3 days ago

                C is from the 1970s.

                Java is weakly typed in its generics, despite being statically typed. I’m sure there are more examples.

                • brabel 2 days ago

                  I don't think Java is weakly type even in generics. You can't "fake" your way with types like in C, you need to explicitly cast, which fails if you try to make an invalid type cast.

            • smithza 2 days ago

              The more pedantic compiler flags you introduce, the more strongly typed it becomes.

          • kazinator 2 days ago

            C is strongly typed in some areas in that ISO C requires a diagnostic if you mistakenly use a struct foo * where a struct bar * is required.

            It's weak in many areas, such as, oh, that you can implicitly convert an out-of-range floating point value to an integer type and get undefined behavior.

            Linkage in C is not type safe. An extern int x declaration in one translation unit can be matched with an extern double x = 0.0 definition in another. Linkers for c typically accept that without a diagnotic: the program links.

    • thiht 3 days ago

      That's pretty clearly said jokingly

  • AnthonBerg 3 days ago

    I do not at all think the author is confused. Being confused is OK though.

nneonneo 3 days ago

It claims to be a scripting language but you still have to compile the programs. Boo! Add CINT ( and you can have instantaneous execution and even a REPL!

  • maccard 3 days ago

    Given the idea behind this repo is to cause pain, why not add a shebang to your file [0] to make it executable.

    I saw a blog post a long time ago that went into the details of how ./foo worked, and how it executed an elf file. You could register `.c` programs in the same way to be compiled and run?


    • nneonneo 3 days ago

      Now I have a very evil idea: what about registering a binfmt handler for the header bytes “#include”? Sure, it doesn’t handle all C/C++ programs (notably any program that dares to start with a comment), but it would not require modifying any source code!

      (For even more insanity I guess you could also trigger on // and /*, although there’s some risk of false positives then!)

  • aartaka 3 days ago

    Well, who said that scripting language cannot be compiled? And yeah, Clang-REPL is another way to make it REPL-friendly.

    • bityard 3 days ago

      Sure, there is no "rule" against it. But words/phrases have commonly-accepted meanings and willfully ignoring or appropriating those meanings implies either cultural ignorance or a concealed agenda.

      If you want to insist that scripting languages can be either compiled or interpreted, then its better to just drop it altogether and just say "language" because the "scripting" part has utterly lost its identity at that point.

    • knome 3 days ago

      generally they aren't, as scripting usually implies an interpreter, though no one is stopping you from using a wrapping script that quietly compiles on first run and caches a bunch of executables somewhere. not much different than python producing bytecode files as it goes along.

      • randomdata 3 days ago

        Script usually implies some kind of task that runs once and the exits. As opposed to a system that is expected to run indefinitely.

        There are good reasons for why scripts are often interpreted and why systems are often compiled, but that's not what defines them. There are definitely scripts that are compiled and systems that are interpreted out in the wild.

        • knome 3 days ago

          'scripting' is an ill-defined term with many interpretations, certainly.

          • randomdata 2 days ago

            If that is the case, pick another interpretation and describe to us what "non-scripting" then might be.

            • knome 2 days ago

              the original definition is likely tossing shell commands in a file to run later. chaining commands together. since perl and python supplanted this, they get lumped in as 'scripting languages'. both certainly can be used to write long running systems or short one off tasks.

              compiled languages are rarely used for one offs because the effort they require is usually greater than the task calls for.

              a big part of perl/python use is in tying together libraries written in more difficult lower level compiled languages.

              you'll also see scripting used to refer to languages embedded in larger projects. lua scripts to control entities in a game, for instance. do they compile these somehow? I never did in the little project I used lua for.


              all of that together, I expect that scripting as a concept largely boils down to conceptually simpler languages with less view of the ugly underbelly of how things actually work in a computer, used to chain together abstractions created by lower level code.

              scripting is duct-tape. whether you duct-tape together a one-off task or some wad of long running functionality is besides the point.

              • randomdata 2 days ago

                > you'll also see scripting used to refer to languages embedded in larger projects.

                Yes, but this is conceptually exactly the same as the aforementioned shell scenario. This is not something different.

                Just as I suspected, there is only one definition, and one that has proven to actually be well defined to boot as you managed to reiterate the only definition I have ever known to perfection.

kvirani 3 days ago

> Provide so much syntactic sugar as to cause any C developer a diabetes-induced heart attack.

Haha love this!

shakna 3 days ago

Well, there's a few things I should probably get around to adding to CNoEvil[0] and ogw[1]... There always seem to be more every few months when this project reappears.



  • cptnapalm 2 days ago

    "It takes a whole lot of bad ideas and mashes them into an abhorrent monstrosity."

    I love this to the very core of my being.

IgorPartola 3 days ago

For what it’s worth this makes the same mistake that Python 2 did: string and bytes are not the same type and shouldn’t be treated as such.

  • AlotOfReading 3 days ago

    What do you consider the type of shell text, i.e. what's in argv and what you get from subprocess output? It's not well-formed utf8 strings because any random garbage can be in there, yet tools like awk and grep are ubiquitous.

    I'd argue that strings and bytes are the same general type, but it's sometimes useful to give well-formed utf8 bytes a different type internally. Rust gets this mostly correct with OsString and String.

    • ryandrake 3 days ago

      The way I understand it: Bytes are just bytes, until you provide an encoding. Then they can be can be converted to a string, if validly encoded. Taking an array of characters and just treating it or casting it as a string is usually a bad idea.

      The thing I think Rust maybe goofed, or at least made a little complicated, is their weird distinction between a String and a str (and a &str). As a newbie learning the language, I have no idea which one to use, and usually just pick one, try to compile, then if it fails, pick the other one. I'm sure there was a great reason to have two types for the same thing, that I will understand when I know the language better.

      • steveklabnik 3 days ago

        I wrote a blog post that may help you!

        If you want to understand more deeply, the Rust Programming Langauge, chapter 4, uses String and &String and &str to talk about ownership and borrowing. Here’s a link to the start of that chapter:

        • ryandrake 3 days ago

          How timely and helpful, thanks!

          Your blog post is practical and clearly explains what to do, when, which is helpful. What's confusing is why Rust has the two types and why the language designers decided it was a good idea to have to convert back and forth between them depending on whether it was going in a struct or being passed as an argument. I suppose the "why" is probably better found in the Rust docs.

          As a long-time C++ user, it seems like std::string vs const char* all over again, and we somehow didn't find a better way.

          • steveklabnik 3 days ago

            Yep, that’s exactly it: I wanted to focus purely on what to do, rather than weigh it down with what’s already in the Rust book.

            It’s closer to std::string and std::string_view. But yes, in a language with value and reference semantics, when you also care about performance, you just can’t do any better: you need both types. Or at least, if you want the additional correctness guarantees and safety provided by communicating ownership semantics in the type. C gets away with just char * but then you have to read the docs to figure out what you’re allowed to do with it and what your responsibilities are.

          • umanwizard 2 days ago

            Rust has two different types because they are fundamentally different things, just like `std::string` and `const char *` are!

            A pointer to some memory is not the same thing as a struct that has a pointer to memory, as well as a capacity field and the ability to resize itself.

          • AlotOfReading 3 days ago

            In C++ terms, String is std::string, &str is std::string_view. They're different things, but they can appear similar.

            • brabel 3 days ago

              A Rust `String` reference (i.e. &String) can always be passed where `&str` is expected because `String` has a `Deref<Target=str>` impl... in that sense they don't just appear similar, they are polymorphic.

      • AlotOfReading 3 days ago

        There may not be a single encoding for every byte in a string. The encoding may not be knowable ahead of time. You might be trying to extract strings from a random blob of bytes with unknown origin. There's a thousand and one different variations.

        To give a real example, I once wrote some python scripts to parse serial messages coming off a bus. They'd read the messages, extract some values with regex, and move on.

        Unfortunately the bus had some electrical bugs and would intermittently flip random bits with no CRC to correct them. From my point of view, no big deal. If it's in something outside the fields I care about, I won't notice it. If it's flipped something I do care about we have a bad sample to drop or noise the signal processing will deal with. Either way, it's fine. Python on the other hand cared very much. I rewrote everything in C once I got sufficiently annoyed of dealing with it and more importantly explaining to others how they couldn't "simplify" things using the stdlib APIs.

        • ptspts 3 days ago

          Python stdlib conveniently supports both byte strings and Unicode strings, even for regexps. Ther is no need to migrate to any other language.

      • umanwizard 2 days ago

        String in rust is roughly like this in C:

          // NB: Must be utf-8!
          struct string {
            size_t sz;
            size_t capacity;
            unsigned char *buffer;
        &String in Rust is roughly like `const struct string *`.

        str in Rust is just an array of (guaranteed utf-8) unsigned bytes. It does not have a capacity, so it can't be resized. You can't directly construct one (on the stack), because its size is undetermined and Rust doesn't have dynamic-sized stack allocation.

        &str, and Box<str>, are pointers to str, along with a size, and are roughly like this C:

          // NOTE: Must be utf-8!
          struct str_ptr
            size_t sz;
            unsigned char *buffer;
        The difference between &str and Box<str> is that the latter is an owned pointer to a heap allocation which will be freed when it goes out of scope. &str is unowned and might point anywhere: to a Box<str> on the heap, to a String on the heap, or to read-only static memory.

        IMO, it's probably easier to first try to understand the difference between `Vec<u8>`, `&[u8]`, and `&Vec<u8>`, because they are slightly less "weird" than the string types: they aren't syntactically special like `str` is[1], and they don't have an implicit requirement to be utf8 that is inexpressible in the type system.

        [1]: `str` is syntactically special because it is basically a slice, but isn't written in slice notation.

      • paledot 2 days ago

        String/str are both valid UTF-8 by definition, though. Plain ol' piles of bytes in Rust are generally represented by Vec<u8>/[u8].

        Rust could have done better in naming, but a definite design goal of the language (for better and worse) is to not make things that are complicated for the compiler appear simple to the user. Which unfortunately results in:

            Cow<`a, str>
    • IgorPartola 2 days ago

      What you see on the screen of a terminal is Unicode strings. It is human readable text. len(“”) is 3 even if the underlying encoding holds it as 6 bytes.

      Of course if you provide a separate set of functions for treating a string as human readable vs not you can also work with that. Basically len() vs byte_len().

      But you can’t concat two human readable strings without ensuring they are of the same encoding. You can’t search a string by bytes if your needle is of a different encoding. You can’t sort without taking encoding and locale preferences into account, etc.

      Pretending like you don’t care about encoding doesn’t work as we have seen time and again.

  • michaelsbradley 3 days ago

    Given the nature of it (pretty.c) and the stated intention of being "backwards-compatible with C and all of its libraries", what would make more sense than sticking with C's multibyte strings?

    • IgorPartola 2 days ago

      Right but pretty.c doesn’t seem to explicitly support those.

      • michaelsbradley 2 days ago

        How so? it’s just char*

        • IgorPartola a day ago

          What if len() of a char* vs a Unicode string?

          • michaelsbradley 20 hours ago

            char* is just raw bytes.

            At the language level C historically hasn't offered much support for working with specific character sets and their encodings. With C17 and C23 we get u"...", U"...", u8"...", type char8_t, and similar, but there's still little/no built-in tooling for text processing.

            For text processing work with char* whose bytes are some encoding/s of Unicode, e.g. UTF-8, then you an use a C library such as libunistring or ICU.

            However the bytes of a char* could instead be an encoding of a non-Unicode character set, e.g. GB2312 encoded as EUC-CN.

            So char* is character set and encoding agnostic. And C-the-language doesn't even try to offer you tools for working with different sets and encodings. Instead, you can use a library or write your own code for that purpose.

            A number of languages make the same decision, keeping the string type set/encoding agnostic, with libraries taking up the slack.

            In Nim, for example, the string type is essentially raw bytes (string literals in .nim sources are UTF-8). If you're doing Unicode text processing then you'd use facilities from the std/unicode module


            Same story with Zig


            Lua too, and you'll probably use a 3rd party library such as luaut8 for working with Unicode/UTF-8


            Returning to the matter of pretty.c, since it's just sugar for C, it makes sense (to me) that the string type is just an alias for the set/encoding agnostic char*. It's up to the programmer to know and decide what the bytes represent and choose a library accordingly.

  • samatman 3 days ago

    I don't agree. This doctrine presumes all of the following:

      - String data will be properly encoded
      - There is one encoding of strings (UTF-8 usually)
      - Validation must occur when string data is created
      - Truncating a logical codepoint is never acceptable
      - You may not do string things to "invalid" bytes
      - Proper encoding is the beginning and the end of validation
    None of these things are consistently true. It's a useful practice to wrap validated byte sequences in a type which can only be created by validation, and once you're doing that, `Utf8String` and `EmailAddress` are basically the same thing, there's no reason to privilege the encoding in the type system.
    • IgorPartola 2 days ago

      I mean other languages make it work.

  • umanwizard 3 days ago

    What is your definition of "string"?

    If it's "human-readable text", then fine, a string is not the same thing as an arbitrary byte array.

    But lots of languages don't enforce that definition.

    • bobbylarrybobby 3 days ago

      Well that's the very thing: not enforcing that distinction is the very mistake in question.

gpuhacker 3 days ago

Reminds me of a C++ codebase I once had to inspect that was entirely written as if it were written in Java. With camelcase naming for everything, getters and setters for every class variable, interfaces everywhere.

  • jart 3 days ago

    You ain't seen nothin. Check out the bourne shell source code from unix seventh edition. I can't believe it's not ALGOL.

    • teruakohatu 3 days ago

      Wow, I was not expecting that! Was this style of C common back then?

      Before he wrote the Bourne shell the author wrote an ALGOL compiler, and ALGOL inspired Bourne syntax:

      • pasc1878 3 days ago

        There were article suggesting #define BEGIN { and #define end }; to make C look more like Pascal.

        I think in Europe C was not as common as other languages at the time so the terseness looked odd.

        • pavlov 3 days ago

          Also because the special characters were (and are) difficult to type on European keyboards.

          Characters like []{}\|~ are behind multi-finger access and often not printed at all on the physical keys (at least in the past). You can see how this adds a hurdle to writing C…

          Pascal was designed by a European, so he preferred keywords which could be typed on every international keyboard. C basically just used every symbol from 7-bit ASCII that happened to be on the keyboards in Bell Labs.

          • smatija 3 days ago

            Just as example, on my slovenian QWERTZ layout: [ - altgr+f, ] - altgr+g, { - altgr+b, } - altgr+n, \ - altgr+q, | - altgr+w, ~ - altgr+1.

            You get used to them, though you start feeling like a pianist after a short coding session. The one most annoying for me are the fancy javascript/typescript quotes, which I have to use all too often: ` - altgr+7.

            • ulbu 3 days ago

              Today I learned that there exist people who use non-US layouts when coding. That’s spectacular!

              • smatija 3 days ago

                I tried switching to US a few times, but every time muscle memory made me give up soonish - especially since there are big benefits to using same keyboard layout as other people in your office are using.

                Also practically everytime I need to write a comment, commit message or email I need my č, š and ž. It's kinda nice to have them only a single keypress away.

                • oezi 3 days ago

                  My hack: use caps key to switch to local keyboard layout while holding it.

                  • dagw 3 days ago

                    Love it! I use ctrl+space to switch, but your idea sounds even better

              • pavlov 3 days ago

                How did you think people outside the US learn programming?

                • ulbu 2 days ago

                  I'm from a non-English country. I only ever use layout of my locale when I write in my language. That's how it was ever since I was a kid who knew little English. And that's how all computers I've encountered in my country are set up - English first, local second.

                  In addition, our layout, overwrites only the numerics – all other symbols are the same as on a US layout.

                • anthk 3 days ago

                                setxkbmap us -option ctrl:swapcaps -option compose:rwin
                  Problem solved. US layout, and with the right Window keys you can compose European characters.
                  • pavlov 3 days ago

                    There’s so many assumptions here about a person who’s starting to learn programming.

                    For starters, that they’re on Linux, they feel comfortable running complex CLI commands, they can memorize the U.S. layout just like that, and that they can type without looking at the physical keys (because changing the virtual mapping means keys produce something else than what the label says).

                    In reality, the learner’s first exposure to C family languages is more likely to be a website where you can run some JavaScript in a text box. And the first hurdle is to figure out how to even type {}. American developers just completely forget about that.

                    • ulbu 2 days ago

                      Installation of Windows and MacOS defaults to US + local layouts.

                    • anthk 3 days ago

                      On the long term, using the native keyboard hinders yourself a lot. I tried to do so with the Spanish (es) layout, it's pretty much unergonomical.

                      It's looks like being deliberately designed for press/office usage and not for proper programming.

                      • pavlov 3 days ago

                        I’ve been writing C and its progeny (C++, JavaScript, Rust etc.) since 1990 on a Finnish keyboard.

                        The AltGr brackets are fine. The truly annoying character to type is the backtick (which is a quite new addition to the pantheon of special characters, C doesn’t use it).

                        My personal opinion is that Niklaus Wirth had the better overall ideas about clarity and inclusiveness in programming language design, but that battle is long lost. (What you consider the character set needed for "proper programming" is really a relatively new development, mid-1990s and later.)

                        • schoen 3 days ago

                          Backticks were fairly important for shell scripting in the past, but have officially been replaced with $(), which can be nested.

                          My intuition is that Perl would be the most challenging on a keyboard where it's harder to type unusual punctuation, since it feels like a very punctuation-heavy language, but I don't know whether it actually uses more than C (I think the backtick has a shell-style meaning in Perl too).

                      • psychoslave 3 days ago

                        >it's pretty much unergonomical.

                        Well unless opting for something like Dvorak, you are indeed doomed to something that was specificcaly designed to please typewriter mechanical constraints without much care for the resulting ergonomics.

                        I use a Bépo layout personally, on a Typematrix 2030 most of the time, as French is my native language.

                      • SSLy 3 days ago

                        or maybe popular proglangs were designed for writing on USAn press/office keyboards – remember that UNIX came to be as a typesetting appliance — disregarding anyone else.

              • cryptonector 3 days ago

                Spectacular?? Terrifying. If I need to type non-ASCII Latin characters I'll just use compose sequences. The thought of a non-U.S. keyboard layout with modifiers required to type []{}<> and so on is terrifying.

          • fuzztester 3 days ago

            IIRC, Pascal had/has (* and *) as an alternative to { and } , from the start, or from early on - as syntax for start comment and end comment.

  • worstspotgain 3 days ago

    > camelcase naming for everything, getters and setters for every class variable, interfaces everywhere

    This is not far off from the guidelines in many cases, e.g. Windows code (well, not every variable of course.) A lot of Java design was copied from C++.

  • rauli_ 3 days ago

    I've seen similar codebases as well written by people who have spent way too much time with Java. One even had it's own String class which was just a wrapper for std::string with Java-like methods.

  • pasc1878 3 days ago

    I had that as well but also Java passes strings in as f(String *) so the C++ code was f(new String("Hello")

Uptrenda 3 days ago

Type names are nice; Perfect choice for the in-built func macros (like min); Len -- love it. Named boolean operators -- might be a bit much but go for it; Ternaries are illegible so you can only improve them; Not completely sold on all your loop definitions but some make sense to me; Resource tracking is impressive; The for... look a bit ugly -- could probably call it something else.

All in all: quite a solid attempt. I'll give you 8/10 for the design of this. The way you sketched this out in C using macros is really elegant. This actually looks like good code. Would I use it? It's a new language and I like C already. It could help people learn C and think about language design. Since the way you've done this is very clear.

  • aartaka 3 days ago

    Well, you don't have to use it all. My projects mostly use booleans, len(), max/min, and some operator aliases, because there wasn't much need for other tasty stuff yet. So give it a shot, even if for a couple of operator macros!

    • Uptrenda 3 days ago

      You know I expected your macro file to be unreadable moon math. But it actually doesn't look bad.

tromp 3 days ago

> ifnt for if(!...).

"unless" seems more readable than "ifnt".

  • tux3 3 days ago

    Another bikeshed is the infinite for(;;) loop being called "always"

    I've seen "loop" in other languages. But Qt calls it "forever", and that is indeed very pretty. Very Qt, even

    • teruakohatu 3 days ago

      > I've seen "loop" in other languages. But Qt calls it "forever", and that is indeed very pretty. Very Qt, even

      You can break a "forever" loop so I think "loop" is a better name.

      • wwalexander 3 days ago

        I don’t know why “repeat” isn’t very common in place of while/loop/etc; it works out nicely grammatically.

            repeat {}
            repeat while <condition> {}
            repeat {} while <condition>
            repeat <count> {}
        • af78 3 days ago

          One possible reason:

          > The word "REPEAT" should not be used in place of "SAY AGAIN", especially in the vicinity of naval or other firing ranges, as "REPEAT" is an artillery proword defined in ACP 125 U.S. Supp-2(A) with the wholly different meaning of "request for the same volume of fire to be fired again with or without corrections or changes" (e.g., at the same coordinates as the previous round).

          More seriously, PASCAL has repeat-until loops, similar to do-while loops in C.

        • aartaka 3 days ago

          Pretty C does aliases "repeat" for "do", so yeah, I've got you covered!

      • krylon 3 days ago

        "indefinitely" might be a better name. (But I think loop is indeed a better name.)

        • aartaka 3 days ago

          Added in commit ef510ca!

          • layer8 3 days ago

            I hope you also add a “definitely”, for symmetry.

      • aartaka 3 days ago

        "loop" added in commit 626408b, thank you!

    • aartaka 3 days ago

      "forever" added in commit 67ff9ef, thank you!

  • cdcarter 3 days ago

    On the other hand, ifnt is fun to say outloud.

  • aartaka 3 days ago

    Indeed! But I've reserved "unless" for a ternary conditional, which is more useful anyway.

    Oh shit wait, you're John Tromp, BLC creator! I'm a fan!

textread 3 days ago

Is it possible to tangle the Readme into pretty.h? In other words, are the codeblocks in the orgfile exhaustive.

I love the literate way you have explained your thought process in the readme.

  • aartaka 3 days ago

    Yes, code blocks in Org are executable, but I was aiming for simple embedding and zero build-time, thus conservative choice of separating README and the actual header.

yjftsjthsd-h 3 days ago

I have not decided how I feel in general, but:

> Everyone defines these, so why not provide them?

Honestly, that's fair.

dymk 3 days ago

> turn any codebase into a beginner friendly one

Okay then.

I was hoping to see a “this is just for fun” disclaimer but didn’t see one. Please never actually use this in a project that other people will have to read or contribute to.

  • ipsum2 3 days ago

    > Provide so much syntactic sugar as to cause any C developer a diabetes-induced heart attack.

    seems like its obvious to me that its a joke

    • rebolek 3 days ago

      It's a joke that I would happily use.

  • thiht 3 days ago

    Not everything needs to be stated explicitly, where's the fun in that?

  • TheRealPomax 3 days ago

    No promises, people who want to have fun are going to have fun despite requests not to have fun.

mydriasis 3 days ago

Wow, neat! The wildest part to me is

> And it’s backwards-compatible with C and all of its libraries!

I can't wait to give it a shot! This looks like a riot.

  • geon 3 days ago

    Have you heard of Zig?

    • oguz-ismail 3 days ago

      It requires a different compiler. This is just a collection of C preprocessor macros

      • ptspts 3 days ago

        The Zig toolchain can compile both Zig and C.

        • klardotsh 3 days ago

          Yes, but the Zig toolchain is not $YOUR_EXISTING_C_COMPILER_YOU_ALREADY_KNOW_AND_USE

    • mydriasis 2 days ago

      I hadn't yet, but it does look nice. I especially like that you can just say "defer deinit", that's really nice.

jay-barronville 3 days ago

This project looks really cool! Unfortunately, there’s just way too much magic involved. In my humble opinion, C is simply not the language for this level of magic—extreme use of macros (and hidden behavior in general) is how you end up with hard-to-detect (and hard-to-debug) bugs and security vulnerabilities. As cool as this project looks, I’d never feel comfortable using it in anything serious. A+ for the effort though!

lpapez 3 days ago

All that is missing is a garbage collector. Should be possible to implement one by overriding malloc & friends?

  • vidarh 3 days ago

    You can use the Boehm-Demers-Weiser GC with C. It's conservative, because it has to be with C, so it may/will miss things (it will treat integers etc. as potential pointers, and so avoid freeing anything "pointed to" by them), and so it works best as an extra layer of protection/leak detector, but it can be used as a replacement for freeing memory too.

nanis 3 days ago

> if (argc above 1)

I give up.

  • aartaka 3 days ago

    You're welcome!

pineaux 3 days ago

I feel compelled to try it out in a serious way and contribute to it. I have strong knowledge of python and am learning C. Are there good reasons -apart from attracting the ire of c-programmers- to not use it?

  • aartaka 3 days ago

    Author here. I'll be glad to accept any contribution that makes C more readable, so PR away!

DeathArrow 3 days ago

This should have been invented 50 years ago!

  • aartaka 3 days ago

    Yes, and it's a shame that underlying features were only shipped in C11 (generics) and C23 (auto type inference!)

bitwize 3 days ago

I'm reminded of the guy who did

    #define BEGIN {
    #define END }
and a whole bunch of other macro-larkey just to make C look more like Pascal. Only then would he deign to code in it.
  • epcoa 3 days ago
    • sph 3 days ago

      Now that's just silly. And I see the backwards keyword terminators (LOOP/POOL).

      I have wondered why we have case/esac, if/fi but while/done. I imagine the author himself figured that while/elihw would just be entirely ridiculous.

      • giucal 3 days ago

        > I have wondered why we have case/esac, if/fi but while/done.

        With the reverse-keyword convention we'd get "od", not "elihw", though.

            while ...    for ...
            do           do
                ...          ...
            od           od
        The 'od' utility already existed, apparently, so Bourne opted for "done".

        [edit: typos]

        • epcoa 3 days ago

          No, there’s OD. DONE is different but no less perverse.

      • pavlov 3 days ago

        Just call it wyl/lyw. Pronunciation maintained, problem solved.

throwaway19972 3 days ago

Does "strong typing" now just mean "static typing"? Afaik both lua and python are already strongly typed. Javascript is not and I have no clue about ruby.

  • lelanthran 3 days ago

    > Does "strong typing" now just mean "static typing"?

    The distinction strong and weak typing is irrelevant in practice.

    Weak (but present) static typing beats strong dynamic typing every single time, because what is valuable is NOT "Do I see a type mismatch error only when a user accesses it?", it's "does this mismatch prevent a deployment?"

    IOW, the only distinction in production is dynamic typing vs static typing, not strong typing vs weak typing.

    • throwaway19972 3 days ago

      > because what is valuable is NOT "Do I see a type mismatch error only when a user accesses it?", it's "does this mismatch prevent a deployment?"

      I argue that understanding the semantics clearly and unambiguously is the most relevant thing, and strong typing tends to do that better (imho—with my only other examples being javascript and the "stringly-typed" perl and some random irrelevant BASIC dialects).

      > Weak (but present) static typing beats strong dynamic typing every single time,

      Can you give me an example? I don't think I've ever heard of such a thing. The closest I can think to this is maybe, arguably, the use of `void*` pointers in C which is difficult to see as anything other than pragmatism rather than some deeply beneficial way to write code—even explicit casts produce much more readable code. Another argument I could see is for operator overloading, which (IMO) produces much less readable code, or the implicit conversions feature of Scala (which also, IMO, produces less readable code, but they've addressed a lot of the major problems with it).

    • syrrim 3 days ago

      recommend setting up tests for your code s/t failures block deployment. can catch categories of bugs beyond typing errors

Validark 3 days ago

Evil, yet beautiful. Hats off to you.

varjag 3 days ago

This made me immediately think whether MIT Loop of Common Lisp was an inspiration here. Checked the user's profile and sure enough, a lisper!

  • aartaka 3 days ago

    Yes, LOOP is a huge inspiration and my favorite programming language!

ipsum2 3 days ago

`equal(0.3, 0.2 + 0.1); // true`

how is this wizardry possible?

  • masklinn 3 days ago

    It uses type dispatch to perform an epsilon comparison:

        static int pretty_float_equal (float a, float b) { return fabsf(a - b) < FLT_EPSILON; }
    So it’s
    • hmry 3 days ago

      This code is incorrect, but I don't blame them. :) Probably one of the most common float-related mistakes, even among people who "know how floats work".

      FLT_EPSILON is the difference between 1.0 and the next larger float. It's impossible for numbers less than -2.0 or greater than 2.0 to have a difference of FLT_EPSILON, they're spaced too far apart.

      You really want the acceptable error margin to be relative to the size of the two numbers you're comparing.

      Also, everyone should read the paper "What, if anything, is epsilon?" by Tom7

      • im3w1l 3 days ago

        I would go even further and say that any equality comparison of float numbers has to be a one-off special case. You need to know how much error can arise in your calculations, and you need to know how far apart legitimately different numbers will for your particular data. And of course the former has to be smaller than the latter.

      • aartaka 3 days ago

        Indeed, FLT_EPSILON is not a one-size-fits-all solution, but it's good enough for frequent case of comparing big enough numbers, which is not covered by regular ==. So it's a convenience/correctness trade-off I'm ready to make.

        • hmry 3 days ago

          If the numbers you are comparing are greater than 2, abs(a - b) < FLT_EPSILON is equivalent to a == b. Because it's not possible for two large numbers to not be equal, but also closer together than FLT_EPSILON.

          • jdthedisciple 3 days ago


                // FLT_EPSILON == 0.01
                equal(4.999, 5); // true
                4.999 == 5;      // false
            am i missing?
            • hmry 3 days ago

              FLT_EPSILON is not 0.01, it's 0.00000011920929.

              But it's impossible to have a number that's 0.00000011920929 less than 5.0, or 0.00000011920929 more than 5.0, because the floats with enough magnitude to represent 5 are spaced further apart than that. Only numbers with magnitude < 2 are spaced close enough together.

              In other words, the only 32-bit float that's within ±0.00000011920929 of 5.0 is 5.0 itself.

              • jdthedisciple 3 days ago

                Oh you're right, thanks for the explanation!

                Gotta research now where the 0.00000011920929 number comes from...

                • masklinn 3 days ago

                  It's the distance between 1.0 and the next representable float.

                  • jdthedisciple 3 days ago

                    I got that but I am curious how to derive that number.

                    Is it representable as a non-trivial ratio of integers?

                    • hmry 3 days ago

                      Good question! It's 1/(2**23), because 32 bit floats have 23 bits after the decimal point

  • defrost 3 days ago

    Is What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic wrong ??!!

    addendum: why are obviously rhetorical questions are taken so literally here?

    • leansensei 3 days ago

      Because text doesn't convey sarcastic voice tonality, so the intent is far from obvious.

      • defrost 3 days ago

        Sarcastic? Okay, if you say so.

        Picking out an obvious define function that compares a float with a float sum of that nature should indicate an good understanding of why that might be called wizardry and deserving of a second look.

        Hats off to the peer comment that suggested scaling against epsilon rather than simpliy regurging the substitution "as was" from the header.

        The scaling is better in general, optional in some specific contexts.

    • ipsum2 3 days ago

      It's meant as both humorous and a nerd snipe :)

  • slimsag 3 days ago

    it uses absolute difference epsilon equality ('close enough to be considered equal'):

        static int pretty_float_equal (float a, float b) { return fabsf(a - b) < FLT_EPSILON; }
        static int pretty_double_equal (double a, double b) { return fabs(a - b) < DBL_EPSILON; }
        static int pretty_long_double_equal (long double a, long double b) { return fabsl(a - b) < LDBL_EPSILON; }
    • vbezhenar 3 days ago

      This is wrong code. It only works somewhat correctly when a and b around 1.

      • stabbles 3 days ago

        Yeah, should be scaled like |x - y| <= ε * max(|x|, |y|)

        • aartaka 3 days ago

          Will do.

          • jffhn 3 days ago

            If both terms are infinites and of same sign, subtraction will give NaN and it will fail.

            • listeria 3 days ago

              How is that a problem? infinities shouldn't be considered equal

              • jffhn 3 days ago

                For IEEE 754, and in Java for example, they are. Only NaN is not equal to itself (and different from itself).

  • wjbr 3 days ago

    static int pretty_float_equal (float a, float b) { return fabsf(a - b) < FLT_EPSILON; }

dfox 3 days ago

The code asumes that C17 has C++-style auto (, it does not (in C auto is storage specifier that is equivalent to no storage specifier).

  • aartaka 3 days ago

    C17 doesn't have auto, but C23 does, and thus my `__STDC_VERSION__ > 201710L` (notice the greater than sign, it doesn't include C17 itself.)

    • dfox 3 days ago

      Ha, apparently the N2310 working draft is not the last one :)

pipeline_peak 3 days ago

For each looks convoluted, you shouldn’t have to list the type.

It should be no harder than C#’s foreach(var i in list)

  • aartaka 3 days ago

    Indeed, I might need to revisit foreach with type inference. Should be totally possible.

taylorius 3 days ago

Sorry for what is probably a stupid question. Does pretty.c act as a preprocessor or sorts, converting your pretty.c script into actual c, that is then compiled? Or is it a virtual machine that interprets your pretty.c script?

  • aartaka 3 days ago

    It's a set of C Preprocessor macros, so you don't even need to somehow process the code—you just #include the header and hack away as if it was regular C!

  • designed 3 days ago

    Preprocessor of sorts. From the readme:

    The goals for Pretty C are:

    - Provide so much syntactic sugar as to cause any C developer a diabetes-induced heart attack.

    - Deprecate Lua, Python, JavaScript, Ruby and a dozen other languages, because Pretty C is the ultimate scripting language, but lightning-fast and strongly typed!

    - Including only one header (yes, Pretty C is a header-only library #include-able from arbitrary C file!) to turn any codebase into a beginner friendly one.

  • wffurr 3 days ago

    It’s not a preprocessor or compiler. There’s no binary. It’s just a bunch of C code in a header: macros, functions, etc. that you can use to write different looking programs but that are still C.

w4rh4wk5 3 days ago

I've seen this implementation of defer a few times now. I really dislike calling this defer (like the keyword in Go) as the given code won't be executed on return.

  • aartaka 3 days ago

    Scoping defer to a block is actually more useful and explicit than function-exclusive that Go does, so I consider that a feature.

    • w4rh4wk5 3 days ago

      No no, I think you misunderstood my critic. Defer working on block-scope is fine; however, if I exit the block through a return (or break), the deferred function is not called.

      To my knowledge, you need a compiler extension to implement this in C (or use a C++ destructor).

chris_wot 3 days ago

I’m waiting for someone to write a lambda calculus based C++ library that allows everything to be defined in terms of function. Peano axioms and all.

fnord77 3 days ago

I feel like this would have been cool 25 years ago

layer8 3 days ago

Given the title, shouldn’t that be #include "pretty.c" instead of #include "pretty.h"?

_benj 3 days ago

> The goals for Pretty C are:

> Provide so much syntactic sugar as to cause any C developer a diabetes-induced heart attack.


  • spacedcowboy 3 days ago

    As someone who just got diagnosed with type-1 diabetes (the auto-immune variety, not the “you eat too much sugar” variety), this was far more depressing than funny. I’m probably being overly-sensitive, but man my life has gone to shit in the last couple of years…

    • _benj a day ago

      Uff, I’m so sorry to hear! I can see how that joke could be really not funny for someone that has gone through some crappy stuff.

      I hope you stay strong as you work through such a rough life-changing diagnosis.

    • jdthedisciple 3 days ago

      Sorry to hear.

      Honest advice: I have heard fasting + healthy diet can permanently fix diabetes (though I forgot which type)

      Maybe try it? Good luck in any case!

      • spacedcowboy 2 days ago

        There’s nothing wrong with my diet, that’s type-2. Type-1 is an auto-immune disease, and in my case was triggered by a couple of years of immense stress. Cortisol and the like wreak havoc over the long term. Mine isn’t curable, I don’t have many insulin-producing cells left in my pancreas.

        All because two years ago, a hospital tried to make a little bit more money by turning beds faster, and fed sodium into my wife about 2x the recommended rate. Although awake, she has never recovered from the coma, and of course she has brain damage. It’s not like in the movies where you just wake up.

        I’m not going into details, but when you scream yourself hoarse from the agony in your limbs, and there’s no painkiller that works, and eventually you lose your voice but you’re still screaming, silently… Yeah, that’s pretty terrible.

        Neither of us will recover. I, at least, can manage it with insulin injections/pumps/CGM-patches… She is currently in a “mental health facility”, something she’s had happen to her several times this year. It looks pretty on the outside and resembles a prison once you step beyond the secured entry. It’s where hope goes to die.

        All because a “hospital” wanted to make even more money than normal, and didn’t give a shit about their actual patients. Yes, I’m bitter.

        I appreciate the sentiment behind your words, thank you for that. It won’t help, but still.

        • jdthedisciple 2 days ago

          That sounds rough man.

          I don't know what to say except to wish you and your wife utmost strength.

          Only thing I personally find solace in is that I am certain there is a life after this one in which everything will be amended by the One God Himself.

azinman2 3 days ago

> Deprecate Lua, Python, JavaScript, Ruby and a dozen other languages, because Pretty C is the ultimate scripting language, but lightning-fast and strongly typed!

Umm… that’s quite the goal.

I’ll stick with deprecated Python.

  • fancyfredbot 3 days ago

    Deprecate Python?! You'll have to deprecate me first! ;-)

    • psychoslave 3 days ago

      We will all reach this status at some point, though the silly code we produced might stick a bit longer in some legacy codebase. :D

looopTools 3 days ago

I cannot wait to show this to a colleague of mine. He will kill me XD

  • aartaka 3 days ago

    Can't wait to learn of how it went!

shiomiru 3 days ago

> max and min of two numbers.

Influenced by windows.h I see :)

nicman23 3 days ago

as someone that just started C, it looks pretty :)

swiftcoder 3 days ago

This is as horrific as it is wonderful.

jcmontx 3 days ago

does this transpile to C or how does it actually work?

  • jdthedisciple 3 days ago

    it's just aliases

    preprocessor is using those #defines to replace tokens in the code so it ends up as usual C

cmcconomy 3 days ago

someone's salty about tiobe!

ngcc_hk 3 days ago

Can we just pascal?

  • aartaka 3 days ago

    I won't stop you, so be my guest.

unwind 3 days ago

Meta: the naming is ... strange.

The actual name of the repo is "pretty.c", but the name used for the language/dialect/result/horrorshow[*] is "Pretty C".

The actual code file you include is called "pretty.h", which makes sense since it's a header, of course. Confusing!

Edit: escapes.

[*] Yes, I'm a C programmer, currently hunting for black-marked insulin to combat the rapid-onset diabetic attack from all that sugar. Sorta.

  • nneonneo 3 days ago

    I mean, don’t say the repo didn’t warn you!

    > The goals for Pretty C are: Provide so much syntactic sugar as to cause any C developer a diabetes-induced heart attack.