pasttense01 9 hours ago

The FBI has had a presence at Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama, for more than 50 years. Today, more than 1,300 personnel are working there in various operational roles. For info about the FBI Huntsville facility:

dc_ist a day ago

Can’t have too many agents investigating crimes in DC…

  • readthenotes1 a day ago

    The FBI would have been if J Edgar Hoover hadn't done that.

soupfordummies a day ago

A third (500) to Huntsville? That’s a ton for that town.

  • mu53 a day ago

    Maybe they are uprooting people's lives to see if they can get them to quit because the employment protections for FBI agents are likely too strong for a layoff or too many people balked at firing J6 investigators.

    Likely, they would still conduct the same operations they did in DC, and they can justify the cost savings by having employees allocated to a cheaper COL area. A lot of law enforcement is clerical type work

    • JohnBooty 13 hours ago

      Absolutely my first thought. This absolutely Silicon Valley-style "layoffs in disguise," like a lot of the "back to the office" ultimatums aimed at remote workers.

  • rawgabbit a day ago

    Their version of RTO. They targeted a segment of their employees they want gone and picked a city that will cause the employees to resign than relocate there.